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Introduction to Self-Injury Bibliography 


This self-injury (SI) bibliography is the one I use for reference with students who are in the Introduction to Spiritual Care and Counselling class that I help to facilitate at the Toronto School of Theology. In this class, we use role play as a method of teaching students how to think about/work through a counsellor's responses to crisis situations. I have designed this bibliography specifically so that the students can use it to think through the complexities of SI in relation to the family system, different faith traditions and also regarding their ethical and legal obligations as spiritual care providers. 


This bibliography is also helpful for spiritual care providers who want to know more about SI and are looking for assessment tools. I have included some resources on the spirituality of self-injurers as well, so that spiritual care providers can think more deeply about the spiritual needs of the young people that they may be seeing. Youth workers will also find this list beneficial as they are working on the front lines with young people.




Introduction to Self-Injury Bibliography

Updated January 2020

To download a Word copy of the Bibliography, please see the bottom of the page. 



Arbuthnott, Alexis E, and Stephen P Lewis. “Parents of Youth Who Self-Injure: A Review of the Literature and Implications for Mental Health Professionals.” Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 9, no. 1 (September 28, 2015).


Favazza, Armando. Bodies Under Siege: Self-Mutilation, Nonsuicidal Self-Injury, and Body Modification in Culture and Psychiatry. 3rd ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011.


Fitzpatrick, David. Sharp: My Story of Madness, Cutting and How I Reclaimed My Life. Harper Collins, 2012.


Gholamrezaei, Maryam, Jack De Stefano, and Nancy L. Heath. “Nonsuicidal Self-Injury across Cultures and Ethnic and Racial Minorities: A Review.” International Journal of Psychology 52, no. 4 (2017): 316–26.


Kettlewell, Catherine. Skin Game: A Cutter’s Memoir. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2000.


McDermott, Elizabeth, and Katrina Roen. Queer Youth, Suicide and Self-Harm: Troubled Subjects, Troubling Norms. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.


McDougall, Tim, Marie Armstrong, and Gemma Trainor. Helping Children and Young People Who Self-Harm: An Introduction to Self-Harming and Suicidal Behaviours for Health Professionals. London; New York, NY: Routledge, 2010.


Monto, Martin A., Nick McRee, and Frank S. Deryck. “Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Among a Representative Sample of US Adolescents, 2015.” American Journal of Public Health 108, no. 8 (August 2018): 1042–48.


Muehlenkamp, Jennifer J. “Empirically Supported Treatments and General Therapy Guidelines for Non-Suicidal Self-Injury.” Journal of Mental Health Counseling 28, no. 2 (April 2006): 166-185.


Muehlenkamp, Jennifer J., and Patrick L. Kerr. “Untangling a Complex Web: How Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Suicide Attempts Differ.” The Prevention Researcher 17, no. 1 (February 2010): 8-10.


“NSSI Assessment Tools.” International Society for the Study of Self Injury.


Nock, Matthew, and American Psychological Association, eds. Understanding Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: Origins, Assessment, and Treatment. 1st ed. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2009.


Penner, Marv. Hope and Healing for Kids Who Cut: Learning to Understand and Help Those Who Self-Injure. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan/Youth Specialties, 2009.


“Project Semicolon – Mental Health & Suicide Prevention – My Story Isn’t Over Yet.” Accessed October 11, 2018.


“Self-Injury Outreach and Support.” Accessed October 11, 2018.


Spaulding, Hank. “The Lacerated God: Towards a Theology of Self-Mutilation.” The Journal of Youth Ministry 10, no. 2 (2012): 79–100.


Strong, Marilee. A Bright Red Scream: Self-Mutilation and the Language of Pain. New York: Viking, 1998.


Taliaferro, Lindsay A., and Jennifer J. Muehlenkamp. “Nonsuicidal Self-Injury and Suicidality Among Sexual Minority Youth: Risk Factors and Protective Connectedness Factors.” Academic Pediatrics 17, no. 7 (September 2017): 715–22.


Tate, Alice. “Getting It Right: Caring for People Who Self-Harm.” Emergency Nurse: The Journal of the RCN Accident and Emergency Nursing Association 18, no. 6 (October 1, 2010): 32.


“The Cornell Research Program on Self-Injury and Recovery.” Accessed October 11, 2018.


“The Skeletons in My Closet | Stephen Lewis | TEDxGuelphU - YouTube.”


“To Write Love On Her Arms.”


Trepal, Heather, Kelly Wester, and Colleen MacDonald. “Self-Injury and Postvention: Responding to the Family in Crisis.” The Family Journal 14, no. 4 (2006): 342–48.


Wagner, Joyce, and Mark Rehfuss. “Self-Injury, Sexual Self-Concept, and a Conservative Christian Upbringing: An Exploratory Study of Three Young Women’s Perspectives.” Journal of Mental Health Counseling 30, no. 2 (April 2008): 173–88.


Walsh, Barent. “Clinical Assessment of Self-Injury: A Practical Guide.” Journal of Clinical Psychology 63, no. 11 (2007): 1057–68.


Walsh, Barent W. Treating Self-Injury, Second Edition: A Practical Guide. Second edition. The Guilford Press, 2014.

















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